Slavstroj - úvodná stánka

Strojový park

Machinery of Slavstroj s.r.o.

The machines are not for sell.

Title Type Producer Year of production
Radial drilling machine VO 50 Sezimovo Ústí 1982
Radial drilling machine VR 6A Sezimovo Ústí 1961
Radial drilling machine 2M55 Stankostroiteľnij zavod ZSSR 1975
Bench pillar drill ZH 118 Stankostroiteľnij zavod ZSSR 1988
Bench pillar drill VS16 TOS Svitavy 1970
Bench pillar drill VS32 TOS SVitavy 1982
Horizontal boring machine H 63 A Tos Kuřim 1968
Universal milling machine FGS 32/40 TOS Kuřim 1987
Universal milling machine FGS 40/50 TOS Kuřim 1975
Universal milling machine CP81 Metalexpo Waršava 1975
Universal milling machine 16P81 Zavod frezovateľnich stankov 1980
Universal milling machine FV36 CUGIR Mecanica Cugir 1987
Profile shears NB 5221 Stankostroiteľnij zavod ZSSR, 1988
Profile shears NUD 500/20 Strojárne piesok 1968
Panelled shears CNTA 3150/10 mm TST Piesok 1987
Panelled shears NTC 2500/4 mm TST Piesok 1987
Power brake CTO 160 TST Piesok 1988
Hydraulic press CDM 80 ČR 1987
Hydraulic press PEY 63 Hydrauma NDR 1980
Hydraulic press CDC 2-7 Sklostroj, ČR 1989
Hydraulic press LEPP 100 ČKD Hronov 1982
Stable oxigenic cutting machine – semi-automatic RS 501 Chotěbořské strojírny 1982
Section roll bender UP 70 NDR, Gunthernapp 1983
Metal sheet bender XONM 2000/2B ZTS Košice 1987
Cutter grinding machine BNNK 32A TOS Hostivař 1988
Universal centre lathe SU 50 A TOS Kuřim 1988
Universal centre lathe SU 50 A TOS Kuřim 1988
Universal centre lathe SV 18 R TOS Kuřim 1981
Universal centre lathe SN 50 B TOS Trenčín 1987
Threading machine GA52/2 NDR 1988
Threading machine GA52/2 NDR 1982
Welding machine 3 pcs WTU 315-21 ZSE Praha 1990
Welding machine WLSP 315 P Montostroj Bratislava 1989
Welding machine 2 pcs WP 350 Kovoplast Nitra 1987
Welding machine ZPZ 400 T Kovoplast Nitra 1985
Welding machine 4 pcs FORMIG 389 Formica SR s.r.o. 2006-08
Welding machine FORMIG 489 Formica SR s.r.o. 2008
Bandsaw BOMAR STG 240 Bomar, ČR 2002
Bandsaw PILOUS ST 230 Pilous, ČR 2003
Bandsaw WAY Way Train 500 Way, Taiwan 2008
Pontoon bridge crane 5 t. SO 505 BC Gabrovo, Bulharsko 1987
Derrick crane – tamperable 2 pcs 400 kg BC Gabrovo, Bulharsko 1988
Lorry Iveco Cargo Iveco cel. Hm. 11990 kg 2007
Lift truck DV 1786 TH 1 Balkan Car, Bulharsko 1990

Projekty EÚ

Projekty EU

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Created by VJCOM