Our leading staff as well as our specialists in manufacturing are very well aware of quality, being the most essential factor on the Slovak market in the field of metal industry. Becouse of this fact all the employees of our company maintain maximum effort in order to achieve the highest quality of our products. We consider the price of our products as a very important factor, however not a crutial one. This is the reason why our company is able to keep up with the highest european and world standards.
Subject of order | Buyer | Client | Year |
Pipe supports | ALSTOM POWER s.r.o. Bratislava | Elektrárne Nováky | 2003 |
Regulačné klapky práškovodu 10 ks | Elektrárne Nováky | 2005-2007 | |
Ukotvovacie strmene | CASSPOS a.s. Michalovce | Čerpacie stanice | 2003-2009 |
Pipe supports | CHEMSTRO a.s. Strážske | Slovnaft a.s. Bratislava | 2000-2008 |
Nádstavce armatúr | EMERSON Proces Managment s.r.o. Bratislava | Transpetrol a.s., Nafta Gbely | 2003-2007 |
Pipe supports | ENERGOSERVIS a.s. Košice | U.S. STEEL Košice a.s. | 2005-2007 |
Pipe supports | ENERGYCO s.r.o. Rožňava | U.S. STEEL Košice a.s. | 2000-2008 |
Články reťazí vynášačov trosky | 2004,2005 | ||
Kryty troskových a železových žľabov – cca 100 ton | 2005 | ||
Pipe supports | EXMONT Engineering s.r.o. Bratislava |
SLOVNAFT a.s. Bratislava a rôzne | 2003-2008 |
Opracovávanie výpalkov podľa výrobných výkresov– presné vŕtanie, frézovanie cca 60 druhov výrobkov | FEWEX s.r.o. Košice | F.X. MEILLER Slaný Česká Republika – výroba návesov | 2004-2008 |
Výroba kompletných plošín pre pracovníkov na nákladné automobily | 2006 | ||
Propped cantilever, Pipe supports | ISTRO ENERGO GROUP a.s. Levice | KIA SLOVAKIA a.s. výrobný závod Teplička nad Váhom | 2005 |
Fixed and spring hinges– Pipe supports | TEKO Košice a.s. | 2005-2008 | |
ABROLL and MULDY containers | KOSIT a.s. | Mesto Košice | 2005-2008 |
Pipe supports | METALFIN a.s. Šaľa | Rôzne, obchodná org. | 2002-2007 |
Pipe supports | MCE IndustrieTechnik s.r.o. Štúrovo |
KAPPA Štúrovo a.s. | 2004-2006 |
ABROLL containers | EAST Paper s.r.o. | Mesto Košice | 2006 |
Pipe supports | MONTEX a.s. Rovinka | SLOVNAFT a.s. Bratislava | 2002-2008 |
Pipe supports – podporné konzoly | U.S. STEEL Košice a.s. | 2006-2007 | |
Spojovacie strmene a výstužníky – dodávky formou konsignačného skladu | OBAL SERVIS a.s. | U.S. STEEL Košice a.s. | 2004-2007 |
Pipe supports | PLYNMONT- KOMP s.r.o. Strážske | YAZAKY Michalovce | 2006-2008 |
Pipe supports, pipe anchores | POTRUBIE a.s. Košice | U.S. STEEL Košice a.s. | 2000-2008 |
Stainless steel pipe supports | E-mont s.r.o. | SCP MONDY a.s. Ružomberok | 2005-2009 |
Stainless steel sockets and fastening elements | SIKLA Slovensko s.r.o. Bratislava | Most APOLLO Bratislava | 2004-2008 |
Consoles a pipe supports | SLOVING spol. s r.o. Bratislava | SLOVNAFT a.s. Bratislava | 2005-2008 |
Conzoles for outward low and high electric force switch boards | Západoslovenská energetika a.s. Východoslovenská energetika a.s. |
Bratislava Košice |
2006-2009 |
Gantry ( POK) under unsolders | Východoslovenská energetika a.s. |
ES Vôľa |
2009 |
Gantry ( POK) under unsolders | Hydrotranzit a.s. Bratislava | SPP Distribúcia a.s. Oblasť Západ |
2005-2009 |
Hotel Promenáda Košice (teraz Yasmin) |
2007-2008 |